Thursday, August 13, 2015

Program Director - Water, Land and Ecosystems

WLE is looking for a seasoned global leader in the agriculture and natural resource management sector, who has a clear vision of how agricultural production can contribute to healthy ecosystems, and vibrant and inclusive economic growth in the developing world. The candidate should have strong scientific credentials, and also understand the process of uptake and guiding research towards outcomes and wider-scale development impact.
The candidate will help steer WLE in its concluding year and lead the program into a successful second phase, which is expected to be a six-year USD 450 million program. The person should possess (i) demonstrated experience engaging in high-level policy processes, and influencing debates around the future of water, land and agricultural management; (ii) a dynamic personality to catalyze broad-based partnerships and collaboration with research agencies, national governments, the private sector, development agencies and others to ensure WLE is achieving its outcomes; (iii) a proven track record in fund-raising, and the ability to galvanize diverse funding sources from bilateral agencies to public-private partnerships and alternative foundation funding; and (iv) solid managerial skills and experience in coordinating large, multi-sector programs in Africa and/or Asia.
The position holder will be based at IWMI headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The person will report to the Director General (DG) of IWMI on functional, operational and administrative matters, and to the Chair of the WLE Steering Committee on strategic matters related to the program.

The person and the job
The selected candidate will lead and manage the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), and will be responsible for the strategic implementation of the research, integration of science across the program, partnership development, and program outputs and outcomes. The person will head the WLE Program Management Unit (PMU), and will be supported by a program manager and staff. Financial and administrative services will be provided by IWMI’s corporate services staff.
You will be responsible for:
Directing research
  • Provide leadership and management direction for the multi-disciplinary research program (WLE) in both its current and future phases, and establish effective partnerships across sectors and regions both within and outside the CGIAR system.
  • Take the lead on drafting strategy, budgetary positions and briefing papers for submission to the WLE Steering Committee (SC) and IWMI Board of Governors, where appropriate, with input from the program’s lead center and partner CGIAR centers.
  • Propose arrangements to the DG for consulting with the DGs of other CGIAR centers on the strategic direction, overall implementation and performance assessment of WLE, which supplements and complements the roles of the WLE Steering Committee and WLE Management Committee.
  • Ensure that WLE has a well-designed and implemented gender strategy and capacity development program.
  • Foster strategic linkages and cooperation with other CGIAR Research Programs.
  • Represent WLE within and outside CGIAR.
  • Take a lead role in identifying funding opportunities, and liaise with the Business Development Units of CGIAR centers on matters related to resource mobilization.
  • Be the main point of contact with the Consortium Office and other CGIAR entities in matters related to implementation of WLE. Ensure prior consultation with IWMI’s DG on matters related to policy and strategy.
Managing the program
  • Provide support and guidance to the work of the WLE Steering Committee.
  • Ensure that WLE components work together to deliver high-quality, integrative outputs to users, and provide a cohesive and energetic spirit of engagement within the team.
  • Ensure that a coherent and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation strategy is implemented across WLE.
  • Liaise with the Corporate Services Director in matters related to staff recruitment and management issues and financial and ad ministrative matters; and the Director, Communications and Marketing, on strategic communications.
  • Assume responsibility for leadership of the WLE Management Committee (MC), and manage relationships with the WLE Flagship and Core Theme Leaders and other related bodies.
  • Assume decision-making authority with respect to the day-to-day operations of WLE and, in accordance with the Program Participant Agreements (PPA), the release of funding to partners.
  • Oversee and review WLE reports and project deliverables prior to their public release.
You will possess:
  • a PhD or equivalent experience in a subject area relevant to the position (environmental and earth sciences, agricultural science, civil engineering, social science, economics);
  • significant experience in scientific leadership in natural resource and environmental management, and research and development (R&D);
  • an understanding of the political economy and global drivers of change that impact food security, livelihoods and environmental sustainability in the developing world;
  • demonstrated experience of successfully leading, and applying research and development to implement policy, achieve outcomes and impacts, and otherwise develop practical solutions in developing countries;
  • demonstrated experience of fostering effective partnerships between research agencies, national governments, private sector and development partners, including civil society organizations (CSOs);
  • demonstrated experience of the importance of ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services and resilience in the context of sustainable agricultural and environmental systems;
  • demonstrable capacity to direct and otherwise successfully manage complex integrated programs;
  • proven scientific capabilities as demonstrated by publications and on-the-ground impact, resulting from work in an area relevant to the position; 
  • a proven understanding, and the ability to initiate and support work on gender and equity;
  • a clear track record demonstrating written and oral communication skills, including public speaking and working with the media;
  • demonstrated people management skills in team building and managing teams that are geographically dispersed;
  • demonstrated understanding of the potential of using new information technologies to assist in providing information to policymakers, farmers and project partners; and
  • demonstrated experience of mobilizing financial and staff resources.
This is an internationally recruited position with a competitive tax-free* salary and benefits package, which includes a housing allowance, transport, education, shipping assistance, annual home leave, retirement and health insurance package. IWMI’s policy is to appoint staff initially on three-year contracts which are subject to renewal, depending on performance and the Institute’s needs.
* Tax-free salary and benefits are paid in US dollars. The employee is responsible for any taxes assessed by their country of citizenship or permanent residence.

The International Water Management Institute ( is an international, non-profit research organization dedicated to improving the management of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and the environment. IWMI is a member of CGIAR, an international consortium of agricultural research centers.
IWMI is an equal opportunity employer and is keen to further diversify its staff in terms of both gender and nationality.
Please submit your application online at: Closing date: September 20, 2015

Complete Application Form + attach your résumé + attach your letter which addresses IWMI’s requirements shown above with names and email addresses of 3 professional referees, to be contacted if you are short-listed
Your application will be acknowledged automatically within 24 hours. If not, please email us at

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